• Both fiber to Prevent Heart Disease

    Heart disease is very scary, therefore the most important thing we should do regular checks and keep eating. Among the elements essential for healthy food is fiber. There are many benefits of fiber, including fiber to prevent heart disease.

    At first only known fiber to prevent constipation. In early 1970 the researchers stated that the fiber has other benefits to health. Initial studies conducted by dr. Denis Burki (1970) who has spent many years treating and and doing medical research in Africa. Research results show that a number of diseases including coronary heart disease, diabetes, chronic constipation, colon cancer is commonly found in developed countries, is rarely found in African societies. Burki suspect and a high content of traditional foods in Africa to protect them from attacks of these diseases.

    Research conducted by Lairon, and his friends, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2005, examined the association between fiber intake with cardiovascular risk in French society.

    The results showed that water-insoluble fiber (men: 17.7 ± 6.0 g / day, female: 14.3 ± 4.6 g / day) was associated with decreased risk of obesity, waist-hip ratio, blood pressure, cholesterol, triacylglycerol and homocysteine.

    Fiber from cereals (male: 8.1 ± 3.6 g / hr, female: 5.9 ± 2.5 grams / day) was associated with decreased Boddy Mass Index, blood pressure, and homocysteine ​​concentrations.
    Fiber from vegetables (men: 4.9 ± 2.2 g / day, female: 4.5 ± 2.0 g / day) was associated with decreased blood pressure and homocysteine ​​concentration.

    Fiber from fruits (male: 4.3 ± 2.8 g / day, female: 3.8 ± 2.2 g / day) was associated with decreased Waist-hip ratio, and decreased blood pressure.Fiber from nuts and seeds (males: 0.36 ± 0:46 g / day, female: 0:31 ± 0:42 g / day) was associated with decreased body mass index, waist-hip ratio, and glucose levels.
    Mechanisms of fiber consumption in preventing cardiovascular disease through the reduction of risk factors. Soluble fiber binds bile acids and bring out the body with feces. The loss of bile acids, cholesterol would facilitate force to shape it back thus eliminating its function in lipoprotein synthesis. It also lowers the optimal function of bile acids to digest and absorb fat, thus lowering the concentration of serum cholesterol and decrease in body fat stores. This condition will reduce the risk of heart attack.


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