• Life Expectancy of Cervical Cancer Patients?

    World Health Organization (WHO) said that cervical cancer is currently ranked top among the various types of cancer that causes death in women in the world.

    The life expectancy of patients with cervical cancer the same as in the case of other cancers that depend on the stage of cancer and how quickly treatment.

    Life expectancy of patients with early stage cervical cancer after radical hysterectomy done (removal of the uterine tissue by surgery) and pelvic lymphadenectomy (removal of all lymph node tissue with a surgical pelvic area) depends on several factors namely:

    - Lymph node status.
         Patients who did not undergo lymph node spread has a 5-years survival rate (survival to 5 years) by 85% -90%. However, if it has spread to the lymph nodes then the percentage will drop to 20% -74% depending on the number, location, and size of the deployment.

     - Tumor size.
         Patients with tumor size less than 2 cm have a survival rate of 90% and if the size is more than 2 cm, then its survival rate will drop to 60%. When tumors larger than 4 cm, the survival rate can drop to 40%.

    - Invasion (spread in) to the parametrial tissue.
         Patients with cancer invasion into the parametrium has a 5-years survival rate was 69% compared with that without the invasion by 95%. When the invasion comes with a positive lymph nodes, the survival rate was decreased to 39% -42%.

    - Depth of invasion.
          Invasion of the surface of the cervix <1 cm have a 5-years survival rate is about 90% and will drop to 63% -78% if depth> 1 cm.

    - Presence or absence of lymph-vascular invasion into space.
         The invasion of the area as a prognostic factor remains controversial. Some studies say 50% -70% 5-years survival rate occurs when the invasion of the lymph-vascular space and the survival rate of 90% if there is no invasion. However, other studies have claimed that there was no significant difference with the invasion or not.

    Life expectancy of five years (5 Years Survival Rate) if cancer is detected and treated at stage 1 is 70-75%, in stage 2 is 60 percent, live on stage 3 25%, and stage IV patients can hardly be expected to survive. If the disease is found as a pre-cancerous lesions, the patient can still be treated as perfect and of higher life expectancy.

    Is there any relation between age life expectancy of patients with cervical cancer? Many studies have found that the incidence (occurrence) of cervical cancer at a young age will increase, and looks more aggressive tumors. In a retrospective analysis conducted on 2628 patients, found that the incidence and degree of malignancy was higher in younger age groups.


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